4 to 50 Strategy To Leverage Your Listing For More Listings

This marketing strategy blankets a radius around your listing with four postcards to 50 homes. When a neighborhood home is listed and sold, neighbors are curious. That curiosity can sometimes lead to a listing. Stay in their face with your stellar production and use the powerful Home Estimate QR code as a lead generator.
Strategy Behind 4 to 50
What makes this easy is your ability to automatically populate all four cards with your listing details in one click. Create all of them at once and save the drafts. You’ll be all ready to hit send once the triggers click in. Then, use the radius tool to download the list once and use it with all four mailers. For less than one dollar per card mailed, this is an inexpensive way to potentially pick up a listing while making positive brand impressions.
Impress Your Seller
Let your seller know you’ll be sending postcards to neighbors as soon as they list their home with you. You will begin with a coming soon card to tease potential buyers, follow it with an open house/just listed to build interest, announce that it has gone pending, and then celebrate with a final just sold postcard.
Impress Potential Sellers
Neighbors will marvel at what a fantastic marketer you are! But, of course, you can always substitute the Coming Soon postcard with a neighbor’s open house, which will give you a chance to meet neighbors face to face.
Four Positive Brand Impressions
Not only will you look like a rock star marketer, but you’ll also show you are a productive agent that can finish the job. The final Just Sold postcard will complete the story and can spark homeowners to scan the QR code to view their home estimate out of curiosity.
Get A Listing Appointment
Follow up with every homeowner who scans the Home Estimate QR code on your postcards. Use the Corefact Home Estimate follow-up note cards and include a one-page CMA showing the immediate neighborhood activity. Then put that homeowner into your active farm list if they aren’t there already. You’ll want to stay in touch with them and develop a relationship.
Rinse And Repeat
When listings are sparse, you need to take full advantage of every listing you get to market yourself as a busy and productive agent.
As they say, the busiest people get the most done.
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